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Contractual Terms

The members of Crown Office Chambers accept instructions on the basis of our standard terms which are COMBAR V4, which can be found as amended here. For the purposes of those standard terms:

– the barrister, solicitor, lay client and case are those set out in the member’s written instructions;

– the services a member is engaged to perform are those set out in his or her written instructions.

– the payment basis is BASIS A -Solicitor Liability

– the member’s agreed hourly rate will be that expressly agreed in writing in advance with the member’s clerk; in the absence of such agreement, the member’s standard hourly rate will apply;

– for the purposes of clause 12.4, each member limits his or her maximum liability to £100,000 for the purposes of clause 21.3 and paragraph 7(c) of the front sheet, the member’s liability is not unlimited.  Given the claims-made nature of professional indemnity cover, the Limit of Cover in the BSB Minimum Terms, the primary cover available from the BMIF, the levels of excess cover reasonably expected to be held by an ordinary member of Chambers and the costs from time to time of professional indemnity insurance, each member of Chambers limits his or her maximum liability to £2.5million which the barrister, solicitor and lay client agree is a reasonable compromise in all the circumstances, including that greater limits for a particular case and a particular member may be available by prior arrangement with Crown Office Chambers (including at additional cost).

– clause 21.5 of those standard terms do not apply.

In all cases not on our standard terms, unless agreed otherwise in writing, the member’s liability is also limited to £2.5million for the reasons given above. Other terms may be available by prior arrangement with Crown Office Chambers.

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