Professional Liability
Ranked as ‘Leading Junior’ in Legal 500 (since before 2009)
For and against valuers / surveyors in claims by mortgage lenders and purchasers of property. Lenders’ claims relating to most types of property (residential houses and flats ranging from under £100,000 to over £1 million, business premises and office blocks, hotels and pubs, leisure properties (e.g. golf course, artificial ski slopes), including loans to owners of portfolios of properties, loans on security of property comprising multiple units of accommodation, loans of over £25 million, claims alleging participation in fraud.
For claimants in claims for educational negligence at trial and on successful appeals to the Court of Appeal and House of Lords in the leading cases in this area.
For managing agents and estate agents in actions against property owners for alleged negligence in negotiations for purchase of very high value property and in commercial property management
For project monitors and consultants defending claims by property developers and their lenders in claims alleging negligent advice in relation to project feasibility, appointment of professionals, obtaining of planning permission, progress and cost of works
For loss adjusters sued by insurers for failing to scrutinise £1 million claim after property flooded.
Against insurance brokers and agents, including defending brokers against claims for failure to obtain adequate insurance or to advise clients as to extent of disclosure required or extent and terms of cover.
For and against barristers in claims by former clients, including claim that infant’s claim settled (and approved by Court) at vastly inadequate figure.
Against solicitors, acting for: former clients; solicitors’ insurers; surveyors in actions against them and solicitors in relation to property transactions.
Cases of alleged negligence by accountants, agricultural advisers, architects, contractors, engineers, estate agents, quantity surveyors, medical practitioners and other professionals.
Selected Cases
- Perry v Raleys [2017] EWCA Civ 314 – Claim against solicitors by client for negligent conduct of his claim against the DTI under a scheme for the compensating miners who had developed Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome as result of using vibratory tools.
- Procter v Raleys [2015] EWCA Civ 400 – Claim against solicitors by client for negligent conduct of his claim against the DTI under a scheme for the compensating miners who had developed Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome as result of using vibratory tools.
- Skipper v Calderdale MBC [2006] EWCA Civ 238; [2006] ELR 322 – Educational negligence – whether damages recoverable for humiliation, lost confidence and self-esteem caused by unremediated dyslexia.
- Phelps v London Borough of Hillingdon [2001] 2 AC 619 (HL) – Liability of Local Education Authority and educational psychologist to dyslexic pupil.
- Ezekiel v McDade [1995] 2 EGLR 107 (CA) – Measure of general damages against surveyors of residential property.
- Suttle v Simmons [1989] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 227 (PC) extent of insurer’s liability under compulsory motor insurance legislation.
- John Greenbourne considers the Supreme Court’s Judgment in X v Kuoni Travel Ltd [2019] UKSC 37
- The Supreme Court provides clarity on causation in professional negligence claims
- Perry v Raleys Solicitors: the Supreme Court reviews Allied Maples
- John Greenbourne represents successful Claimant in the Court of Appeal in VWF Professional Negligence case
- Holt Scholar, Gray’s Inn
- MA (Cantab)
- London Common Law & Commercial Bar Association
- Personal Injury Bar Association
- Professional Negligence Bar Association
“Very approachable and accessible.”…”Extremely thorough knowledge of catastrophic injury claims. Exceptional attention to detail.”
Legal 500, 2025
“John is meticulous in both the preparation and delivery of his advice. He has a forensic approach to the evidence that instils confidence.”
Legal 500, 2024
“A very user-friendly and approachable junior.”
Legal 500, 2024
“John has meticulous attention to detail, a sensible and pragmatic approach to cases and puts clients at ease with his approachable manner.”
Personal Injury – (Legal 500, 2022)
“Very approachable, responsive and gives digestible advice. He is always willing to listen to views and takes time to discuss them.”
Insurance and reinsurance – Leading juniors (Legal 500, 2021)
“Inspires total confidence with very thorough preparation and drafting skills.”
Personal Injury – (Legal 500, 2021)
“He is easy to work with, responsive and gives digestible advice.’”
Professional Negligence – (Legal 500, 2021)
‘Thorough, analytical and good on his feet.’
Insurance and reinsurance – Leading juniors (Legal 500 2017)
‘He has an incredible attention to detail, leaving no stone unturned.’
Personal injury – Leading juniors (Legal 500 2017)
‘Incredibly talented.’
Professional negligence – Leading juniors (Legal 500 2017)
‘he provides thoroughness and a rigorous test of the evidence’ and ‘superb attention to detail and preparation’ and ‘a master of detail and also very good on his feet’
'Leading Junior' (Legal 500 2016)
‘very experienced in policy disputes and issues regarding non-disclosure in policies’ and ‘he has an encyclopaedic knowledge of the law and is very approachable’ and ‘a thorough and enthusiastic barrister, who is a formidable drafter and good on his feet’
'Leading Junior' (Legal 500 2015)
‘thorough analysis and fierce advocacy’
'Leading Junior' (Legal 500 2014)