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Jack Murphy

Call 2013

"Very experienced, much beyond his years. Very legally and tactically astute, good eye for detail, understands strategy, and is very well prepared. Highly recommend."
(Legal 500)

Personal Injury

Jack has a busy defendant personal injury practice, encompassing both casualty and industrial disease claims, and with a particular focus on liability disputes in which novel duty of care issues arise. His regulatory crime practice complements his personal injury practice in this regard, with Jack frequently far more familiar with relevant regulations than his opponents.

He regularly drafts pleadings, provides advice on liability and quantum, and undertakes settlement negotiations in cases ranging in value from £50,000 to c.£500,000.

His cases frequently involve three or more disciplines of expert medical evidence, or claimants with complex pre-existing medical conditions. Several of his more recent cases have involved occupational stress and psychiatric injury.

Selected Cases

  • Marica v Berkeley Homes (Central London County Court, November 2022, HHJ Baucher) Jack successfully defended a claim valued at c.£300,000, involving an accident on one of Berkeley’s large housing development sites, when a subcontractor attempted to climb over a locked security gate. The claimant’s argument sought to equate duties owed under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 with an construction company’s duty of care at common law as occupier of its own site. Following a three day trial, HHJ Baucher rejected the claim on all points, and accepted Jack’s argument that the Defendant did not owe any duty of care to guard against the risk of individuals permitted to be on site from climbing over a security gate, the fundamental purpose of which was to deter climbing.
  • Advising on both liability and expert evidence in an occupational asthma claim pleaded in the region of £400,000, involving a novel mode of alleged exposure (a domestic battery), and raising fundamental questions of foreseeability and remoteness. At the CCMC Jack successfully persuaded the court to order a split trial and grant permission for expert engineering and occupational hygiene evidence. This evidence subsequently led to Claimant discontinuing the claim, with even the Claimant’s expert concluding that exposure to injurious fumes from a domestic battery was unforeseeable, if indeed possible at all.
  • A chronic pain syndrome case valued in excess of £400,000, which Jack was able to compromise for a global figure less than £150,000.
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“Jack is a rising star.”…”He has a great grasp of the law and technicality and what is needed to get the best outcome for the client.”…”His level of detail and the way in which he can translate that into conducting himself in court is so impressive.”

Chambers & Partners, 2025

“Jack is fast becoming a go-to junior within Crown Office Chambers.” He “is a very skilled and talented junior.”…”He is an all-round good barrister.”

Chambers & Partners, 2025

“Jack is very thorough, well prepared, clear, direct and makes skillful and strategic points.”

Legal 500, 2025

“He’s a really technical barrister who gets into the detail of the case really quickly.”

Chambers & Partners, 2024

“Jack is very quick and has an eye for detail. He is very much a specialist health and safety lawyer. Highly recommended.”

Legal 500, 2024

“Jack has a very astute tactical approach, and a cogent and determined advocacy style.”

Legal 500, 2024

“Jack is extremely diligent, thorough, well prepared, and has good commercial awareness.”

Legal 500, 2023

“Jack is a really thoughtful barrister and knows how to behave with various witnesses.”

Chambers & Partners, 2023

“He’s meticulous in his approach and has a lovely manner about him with clients and the courts.”

Chambers & Partners, 2022

“Very experienced, much beyond his years. Very legally and tactically astute, good eye for detail, understands strategy, and is very well prepared. Highly recommend.”

Legal 500, 2022

“He is on top of the detail, he gets the issues and he works extremely hard.”

Chambers & Partners, 2022

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