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Inquest into the death of Awaab Ishak

Malcolm Galloway, instructed by Bill Dunkerley of Pannone Corporate, represented Rochdale Boroughwide Housing (‘RBH’) in this recent high profile inquest.

Described by the coroner as ‘A wake up call for everyone in housing, social care and health’, this inquest was national news for the last couple of weeks and arose as a result of the tragic death of a toddler, Awaab Ishak, in social housing as a result of prolonged exposure to mould in his home.

Malcolm and Bill represented RBH the housing provider. No finding of neglect and no PFD was made against RBH, but PFD’s are to be sent by the coroner to the Minster for Housing and Minster for Health, with letters from the coroner to both the local council and health authority.

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