Summary judgment – no real prospect of establishing the MMR vaccine was unsafe
Daniel Shapiro KC and Nicola Atkins acted for Hodge Jones & Allen Ltd (“HJA”) in HJA’s successful defence of a claim arising out of the MMR vaccine litigation.
The Claimant brought a claim against her former leading counsel, Augustus Ullstein KC, and HJA alleging negligence in and about the commencement of her claim against MMR vaccine manufacturers under the Consumer Protection Act 1987. HHJ Gosnell granted summary judgment for HJA and Mr Ullstein KC as the Claimant had no real prospect of succeeding in showing her conditions were caused by the MMR vaccine or, therefore, that she had any chance of recovering from the vaccine manufacturers.
Leaving aside other issues, the Claimant therefore could not succeed in any recovery from HJA or Mr Ullstein KC.
The judgment may be found here.