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Katrina Makunova inquest- ‘prevention of future death reports’ to be issued

Ivor Collett, instructed by Simon Johnson of DWF LLP, represented London Borough of Bromley at the 4-week Inquest into the death of Katrina Makunova which concluded last week (9 September 2021).

In July 2018 Katrina, aged 17, was killed by a knife wound in an altercation with her ex-boyfriend. He was subsequently sentenced to imprisonment for the homicide. The Senior Coroner for London Inner South, sitting with a jury, heard evidence relating to Katrina’s previous interactions with the Metropolitan Police and with Bromley’s social workers after incidents of concern involving the same perpetrator.

The jury’s conclusion was one of unlawful killing.  It was accompanied by a number of findings which noted the police’s admitted failings in not taking appropriate steps to investigate and act on the earlier incidents involving the perpetrator. The conduct of Bromley’s social workers was closely scrutinised and not found to have been causative of the death.

The Senior Coroner is to send “prevention of future death reports” to the Metropolitan Police, the Home Office and organisations involved in research into assessing safeguarding risks where knife possession or gang affiliation appear to be relevant factors.

Bromley’s Children’s Social Care team were commended for their efforts to help Katrina.

Ivor Collett sits as an Assistant Coroner in two London jurisdictions in addition to his practice at Crown Office Chambers.


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