Simon Antrobus KC, together with David Young and Erin Shoesmith of Addleshaw Goddard LLP consider the issue of the use of face coverings at work
Simon Antrobus KC, together with David Young and Erin Shoesmith of Addleshaw Goddard LLP consider the issue of the use of face coverings at work, in light of changing Government Policy as to their usage by the public, in an article published in Personnel Today. The article considers whether the new approach of the World Health Organisation towards mask usage, together with the mandatory requirement for use of such coverings on public transport in this country, from 15th June, has a consequential impact on policy within workplaces during the gradual easing of the lockdown restrictions. They analyse the legal issues surrounding any change in policy towards masks at work and express concerns as to employers’ ability to resolve the issues that remain over the efficacy of such face coverings, the variability in their performance and their overall maintenance and enforcement, in the absence of clearer governmental guidance and direction.
The link to the article is here.
Simon will be tackling this issue further, together with John Cooper KC and Dominic Kay KC in their second Q&A discussion that is coming up on Thursday 18 June at 12-12.45pm.
To register for the Q&A discussion, please email