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Sandesh Singh secures acquittal in disciplinary proceedings

Sandesh Singh was instructed by the Association of Optometrists (the leading defence organisation for optometrists in the UK) to represent Mr S before his regulatory body.

The regulator alleged that Mr S had acted dishonestly over almost two decades by providing clinical interventions to patients which he knew were not required. It was alleged that Mr S was motivated by financial gain and that his conduct had resulted in the misappropriation of NHS funds.

On the third day of a three-week disciplinary hearing, the regulator was forced to concede that it could not even establish that the approach adopted by Mr S was clinically inappropriate. This resulted in over 100 allegations of inappropriate prescribing, dishonesty and financial motivation being withdrawn.

The committee ultimately found that any remaining failures in record keeping were insufficiently serious to amount to professional ‘misconduct’ and Mr S was acquitted of the disciplinary charge that he faced.


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Andrew Rigney KC
Year of Call: 1992

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